Franco Pirajno
Ore deposit geology and mineral exploration
Mineral systems, overview and genetic concepts
Day 1; morning
Introduction; alkaline complexes, carbonatites, kimberlites, rifts, hydrothermal processes
Introduction and basic principles
Supercontinents, mantle dynamics, mineral systems
Giant continental rift systems, mantle plumes and associated ore deposits
Anorogenic alkaline complexes and carbonatites, rare earths mineralisation)
Diamondiferous kimberlites, lamproites
Introduction; hydrothermal processes, wall rock alteration, hyperspectral mapping and remote sensing
Day 1; afternoon
Magmatic-hydrothermal mineral systems
Convergent margins Cu-Au porphyry systems
Intraplate Mo porphyry systems
Skarn deposits; Gejiu skarns SW China
Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) and Kiruna-type deposits
Sedimentary exhalative massive sulphides (SEDEX); Red Sea brines; Copperbelt Cu-Co deposits
Mineral systems, overview and genetic concepts
Day 2; morning
Mineral deposits of the ocean floor; mineral systems in volcano-sedimentary basins
Introduction; ocean floor, ophiolites and related hydrothermal processes
Deep ocean floor Fe-Mn and rare earths mineralization
Movie clips
Volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits
Magnetite-dominant VMS
Besshi-type VMS
Breccia pipes
Day 2: afternoon
Non-magmatic mineral systems
Laterite-supergene mineral deposits
Non-sulphide supergene mineral deposits
Mississippi valley-type ore deposits; black shales
Iron and manganese ores
Placers and Archaean paleoplacers (South Africa and Western Australia)
Biosphere and hydrothermal systems; role of subaerial hot springs, epithermal deposits
Conclusion and discussion
Alteration-metasomatism; classification of mineral systems; Tables on geotectonic features of mineral deposits; comprehensive list of books and special issues on mineral deposits